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공지 [2023. 05. 24] Industrial Bank of Korea and SL Corporation s… Industrial Bank of Korea(hereinafter "the IBK") (President Kim Sung-tae) announced on May 23 that it has signed a 'mutual growth agreement' for win-win support . . . 작성일 2023-06-01
공지 [2022. 04. 27] SL, Renault Korea 2021 Supplier of the Year '… [Renault Korea 2021 Supplier of the Year 'R&D Award']Renault Korea Motors held the ‘2022 Supplier Conference’ at the Paradise Hotel in Busan on the 27th to . . . 작성일 2022-05-03
공지 [2022. 03. 15] SL, the 25th GM SOY Award! SL was selected as the ‘GM Supplier of the Year Awards’ by General Motors.At this awards ceremony, which celebrated its 30th anniversary this year, credit was g . . . 작성일 2022-04-06
Happy New Year!. 2023   작성일 2022-12-30
